The Hybrid Workplace Model - Benefits and Challenges

07,July,2022Arslan Ishaq

The traditional 9-to-5 workplace model where employees report to the office five days a week and work together in the same physical space is becoming less common. 

A hybrid workplace, or co-working, model has become an attractive alternative for small businesses looking to cut overhead costs, attract top talent and remain nimble in this fast-changing marketplace. 

While having these additional perks can make the hybrid workplace appealing, it also comes with challenges that can be hard to overcome without proper planning from the get-go.

What Are Hybrid Workplaces?

A hybrid workplace is a mix of remote and on-site employees. This model has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it offers the benefits of both working from home and working in an office. However, there are also some challenges that come with this type of workplace. 

For example, people may be tempted to spend more time at home if they can work remotely. They may not work as hard when they know their boss isn't looking over their shoulder. 

Also, keeping everyone on the same page and up to date about what's going on within the company can be challenging when not everyone is physically present at meetings or office parties. 

If a meeting needs to take place between two groups that aren't near each other, then travel expenses can rack up quickly. The best thing you can do for your organization is talk openly about the upsides and downsides of having a hybrid workforce before making any changes.

How Can They Be Implemented?

A hybrid workplace model can be implemented by allowing employees to work from home some days and come into the office on other days. This way, employees can take advantage of the best of both worlds – the focus and collaboration of working in an office, with the flexibility and comfort of working from home. 

However, there are some challenges that come with this type of workplace model, such as ensuring that all employees have the same access to resources and information and that communication is clear. 

Another challenge is achieving a healthy balance between face-to-face interactions and virtual ones, which requires constant vigilance. Employees also need to feel valued for their contributions when they're not at work, or they may become less engaged during their time at the office.

Success Factors And Barriers In The Hybrid Workplace Model

A recent study by the Society for Human Resource Management found that 54 percent of organizations are currently using or plan to use a hybrid workplace model. This type of workplace model can offer many benefits, such as increased flexibility and productivity, but there are also some challenges that come along with it. 

Some success factors to consider when implementing a hybrid workplace model include clear communication, trust, and respect. However, some potential barriers to this type of workplace model include resistance from employees, technology issues, and lack of collaboration. 

With this in mind, employers should be prepared to have meetings with employees regularly in order to stay in tune with their needs and make any necessary adjustments. Ultimately, it's important for employers to keep an open dialogue about what is working well and what isn't so they can adjust accordingly.

Advantages Of The New Hybrid Workplace

The hybrid workplace model offers a number of advantages, including increased flexibility, reduced costs, and improved work/life balance. Additionally, this model can lead to increased creativity and collaboration as employees have the opportunity to work in different environments. 

Finally, hybrid workplaces can help reduce environmental impact as fewer people need to commute to an office. One disadvantage is that not all tasks are conducive to the environment. For example, some professionals may not be able to do detailed design work on a whiteboard while others may not be able to speak face-to-face with colleagues due to a lack of privacy. 

Additionally, it may be difficult for managers in hybrid offices who are used to more traditional styles of management if they are used to managing by walking around or by shouting down hallways. Managers will also need to take into account new ways of promoting themselves such as through social media. 

To facilitate communication between remote workers, companies may need to provide services such as video conferencing or web conferencing. Furthermore, many startups rely heavily on social networking which could pose challenges for certain positions (e.g., marketing) that depend heavily on technology.


The hybrid workplace model offers organizations the ability to provide employees with more flexibility and choices. However, there are also challenges that come along with this type of workplace model. 

For example, managing a work-life balance can be difficult when working from both home and the office. Additionally, there can be communication challenges when team members are in different locations. 

Overall, the hybrid workplace model has its benefits and challenges that organizations need to consider before implementing this type of workplace model. If you're looking for coworking spaces in London, contact IBC today.