Make working virtually loveable, from now

Working virtually no longer remains unproductive and unlikable with IBC virtual office services.

Company Address Service

A virtual office address gets you a business location without actually having to rent a business space. The company address can thereby be used for business needs and postal mails. IBC provides startups and small businesses with low cost virtual office company address service for minimizing their costs. And still enjoy all the benefits of a registered office address.

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Director Address Service

A director-address-service is one of the virtual office services which gets a company-director an address for receiving legal communications concerning the very role in a company. In the UK, directors are obliged to hold a service address. IBC provides this service to the company-directors for receiving letters from the Courts, HMRC, Government Agencies, etc.

Mail Forwarding Service

A mail forwarding service forwards your postal mails and packages to you and lets you have them received wherever you may be. IBC provides this cheapest virtual office service by using trustworthy mail carrier services. We forward your mails to any address provided by you, regardless local or international. IBC can forward mail each time to a different address as well.

24/7 Telephone Answering

A telephone answering service is an acquired business service, usually outsourced, which on your company's behalf answers inbound calls and may also act as a virtual receptionist. IBC’s

Virtual Office London and Virtual Office Birmingham provide 24/7 Telephone Answering services: scheduling appointments, providing customer service, call screening, and much more.